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Unique Features
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Demo Content
Import the included demo content and choose from a bunch of exceptional demo skin versions.
Ongoing Support
Need help? We do our best to make your life easier. Support for all our products is conducted through our support forum.
Design Audits
Our support includes more than just a regular help with configuration. We want you to be proud of the final result.
Help Mode
The Help Mode is a smart tool which provides useful, context-aware tips throughout the site.
Retina Ready
All the images included with the theme are 100% Retina Ready so look beautiful and sharp on high resolution devices.
Admin Panel
The 3clicks has powerful theme options panel which allow you to customize every single part of your site.
Latest from the Portfolio
LBE – Proofreading – Microdata Support 3
Bring your rubbishy old, scratched up, over egged soup work, and we’ll brush it, comb it, love it, clean it, lick into shape
LBE – Copyediting – Microdata Support 2
Cras eu est quam, eget cursus purus. Donec faucibus placerat nulla, ac scelerisque sem tempor vel. In at lorem sit amet
LBE – Style Fix – Multiple Templates
Beats once again for the Renegade Master
LBE – Maintenance – Microdata Support
Cras eu est quam, eget cursus purus. Donec faucibus placerat nulla, ac scelerisque sem tempor vel. In at lorem sit amet
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