Pellentesque mollis erat et elit porta, ut venenatis augue dignissim. Maecenas nec tortor ante. Morbi purus leo, pellentesque non molestie sit amet, vehicula quis orci.
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Fusce consectetur tellus id lorem luctus id eleifend magna lobortis. Aliquam facilisis magna ac nisi porta porta. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris sollicitudin, mi nec vulputate iaculis, dui dolor congue nunc, sit amet venenatis erat nulla sit amet turpis. Integer pharetra vehicula lectus, ullamcorper venenatis lacus commodo nec.
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Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Fusce quam leo, facilisis id metus eget, dignissim aliquet erat. Praesent scelerisque eleifend magna, vel blandit turpis sodales ac.
03. How to upload the theme using FTP?
Nulla porttitor, justo ut auctor
Frequently Asked Questions
In General, How Does Sibia Proofreading Work as an Editing Service?
If you’re a student or author requiring dissertation editing, manuscript review, essay review or a book edit, you will first select the Service Level—either Editing and Proofreading, or just Proofreading—and submit your document to us online using our secure, encrypted webpage when placing your order. Whether you’re a college student or researcher requiring academic editing or technical editing, the initial step is exactly the same. Although our standard Single Editor review is extremely thorough, customers can choose the Double Editor option to benefit from the professional editing expertise of two accomplished editors both reviewing the same document. Immediately after your document is uploaded, one or two proofreaders will swing into action and closely proofread and redline your document (and edit it as well if you’ve requested this option). Sibia Proofreading will return the fully reviewed document back to you via our secure, encrypted portal or—if you prefer—directly to the your email inbox. Based upon the Delivery Option you selected, your document will be completely reviewed and returned within 24 hours or several days, 24/7. Please see our exact Turnaround Times for all versions of our paper review.
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What Types of Documents Do You Edit and Proofread?
We regularly review Microsoft Word, PDF, Powerpoint, and text file documents. We can also review Wordperfect and Open Office documents. With PDF documents, we use a nifty annotation tool so that our recommended changes and comments appear as “sticky notes” on top of your document. If you have a question about whether we can review a type of document not listed here simply contact us!
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What Proofreading and Editing Services Does Sibia Proofreading Provide?
We offer English editing, thesis editing, copy editing, manuscript editing and a variety of other edit services to customers around the world. Of course, we also provide dissertation proofreading and other types of online proofreading to students, authors and businesses. A choice of two Service Levels—Editing and Proofreading or just Proofreading—allows customers to receive help with the style and readability of a document or to simply focus on correct grammar, punctuation help and the removal of distracting errors. Our online editing, however, is much more than a mere English grammar check with freelance editors. Our writing editing service allows customers to choose to have a team of two professional editors review each document they submit in order to ensure the best possible results. We offer very quick turnaround times through two different Delivery Options. Read more about our services for Academic Editing, Book Editing, Business Editing, ESL Editing, and Personal Editing Service (which also includes letter help).
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How Much Does It Cost to Get Help from Your Online Editors?
We set our editing and proofreading pricing so that we’re very affordable, while also making sure we can attract the very best copy editors, English editors and science editors available to provide unbeatable help with English in your important document. We offer Proofreading services starting at $5.39/page and Editing and Proofreading services starting at $8.25/page. In addition to Service Level, our prices increase based upon document length, Delivery Option, and whether a Single Editor or Double Editor review is requested. See detailed Pricing info.
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Who Are Sibia Proofreading’s Professional Editors?
Sibia Proofreading’s professional editors are all highly qualified writers, professors, graduate students, lawyers or business professionals with extensive experience editing writing. They are also all native English speakers and we require that they have graduated from a top university and have the highest academic qualifications. Securing an editing position with Sibia Proofreading is extremely competitive and we select the best of the best. Our editors who assist with ESL editing also have specific experience providing English grammar help. They are experts at resolving ESL grammar issues, ensuring correct spelling and delivering world-class editing and proofreading. Our editors are all completely committed to helping you dramatically improve each document you submit. When you succeed, we succeed!
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When Should I Use the Double Editor Option?
We offer customers the option to have two—rather than one—extremely qualified editors thoroughly scrutinize their documents. With the Double Editor option you double the number of eyes and brains scouring your important paper or book and this produces excellent results. Please note that the Double Editor option doesn’t cost twice as much as our standard Single Editor option. This is because we have a “Primary” and a “Secondary” editor conducting the essay edit or paper review. The Primary editor does the heavy lifting and conducts the first exhaustive review of the document. The Secondary editor then goes through the document to ensure no errors were overlooked and to suggest additional ways to improve the writing, including grammar help. Our Double Editor option provides a truly comprehensive review and should also be considered if you’re looking for dissertation help.
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How Do You Ensure the Confidentiality and Security of My Documents and Personal and Payment Information?
We at Sibia Proofreading are extraordinarily committed to ensuring security, privacy and confidentiality in every aspect of our interaction with you. Every step of the way—from the upload of your document, to payment, to storage and retrieval and as we conduct paper editing—we use robust, secure socket layer encryption and secure portals. The Sibia Proofreading internal network used by all the editors is fully encrypted and all editors are required to sign stringent non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). These NDAs are binding legal obligations prohibiting each editor from ever revealing or telling anyone anything about Sibia Proofreading’s customers and their documents. Our edit service–include grammar checking and essay editing–is completely secure.
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What if I Have a Problem or Am Not Satisfied? Do You Have a Guarantee?
We stand behind our work 100%—everything involving our online grammar check, thesis help and all aspects of editing writing—and guarantee that you will be completely satisfied with our services. If you’re unhappy or dissatisfied for any reason, contact us by email or phone and we commit to resolving the issue immediately. Contact us. If you’re not completely satisfied with how we’ve handled the issue, we will refund your money or provide you with free credit for your next paper or document—your choice.
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How About Some Samples of Your Work?
Yes, take a look at a sample college term paper and a sample legal contract we’ve reviewed. (Both have personal and proprietary information removed and permission from the authors was received.)
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Tell Me More about Sibia Proofreading and Its Origins:
Sibia Proofreading was founded by Erick Widman and Dona Le. Prior to Sibia Proofreading, Erick was Corporate Counsel at Philips Corporation in Silicon Valley for five years and also taught for a year at the Budapest College of Economics. Erick can be reached at: Dona graduated from Harvard University in 2005, after which she worked as a paralegal at Morrison Cohen LLP for two years, before earning an M. Phil with Distinction from Trinity College, Dublin. Dona can be reached at
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Do You Have Any Job Openings for Editors?
Yes, Sibia Proofreading continues to expand, and we are currently seeking science editors. So if you’re a great editor who graduated from a top university and studied a hard science, please apply online here.